Digestive Disorder Presentations 2014

You will research the disorder I gave to you in class and…

1. Give a 5-8 minute presentation – the type of presentation is up to you – it can be a lecture, ppt, video, etc… but should include pictures as appropriate. Make it interesting! Be sure to include information about your condition such as…

What is it?
What are the signs and symptoms?
How do we detect/diagnose it? (genetic, imaging, blood test, visually, etc…)
How do we treat it?
What is the prognosis if untreated?  treated?

2. Write a 5 question (multiple choice) quiz (per disease). Include the answers and make sure that your classmates will be able to answer those questions after your presentation as they may be on the upcoming test.

3. Hand in a summary (1 page or less) of your disorder and your quiz (with distractors and the correct answers noted!).

Due: Wednesday/Thursday, 12/3/14 or 12/4/14

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