Skeletal Physiology Homework and Test


  • Read the ‘Closer Look’ on page 179
  • Read Making Clinical Connections on page 182
  • Complete the Clinical Connections on page 183
  • Put an raw egg in a glass of vinegar (enough to cover the egg) and leave it there for 1-2 days.  Then take the egg out and investigate.
  • Put a cooked chicken leg bone (e.g. after you have eaten the muscle off of it for dinner) in a glass of vinegar (enough to cover the bone).  Leave it there for 2-3 days.  Then take the bone out and investigate.


  • Test on the skeletal system notes given in class and any associated homework, including the nutrition table information.
  • The test will be on Wednesday, 2/12/14

Nutrition and Why We Need to Eat

Complete the following to learn some nutrition facts and why we need to eat…

  1. Take the PCRM nutrition quiz.
  2. Complete the “Why Do We Need to Eat?” handout given in class.
    1. Create a Google spreadsheet and share it with me (cswfleetwood).
    2. Name the document as follows: period_letter last_name first_name Nutrition Information
      1. ex:    G Fleetwood Thomas Nutrition Information
    3. Fill in all the necessary information as shown on the handout.
      1. You can make more rows as necessary for all the vitamins and minerals – they don’t all fit in one box like on the handout
  3. Research the question, “Is drinking milk good or bad for us?”  Type a one page summary on a new tab in the spreadsheet you created in #2 above.  Be sure to include studies and citations.

A copy of the handout can be found here.

Due: Tuesday, 2/4/14

Skeletal Practical 2014

Your skeletal practical will be based on your signup date/time on the sheet in the classroom.  The available dates are 2/19 – 2/21/14.  These dates are a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  The practical will consist of 3 identification questions (using bones I have in class) based on the bone list given in class and then you will build either a hand/wrist/arm or a foot/ankle/leg.  I will assign you one of them during the practical – you will not know which before-hand, so practice (a lot) with both.  After you build the upper or lower limb, you will name all the bones.  You do not need to name the parts of each bone (e.g. tibial tuberosity), just the name of the bones.  You will have 4 minutes and 30 seconds to complete the entire practical (3 questions, build and name).

Practical dates: 2/19/14-2/21/14

Who Decides?

In November of 2013 a young woman, Marlise Munoz, had a blood clot in her lung and collapsed to the kitchen floor.  When she was taken to a Texas hospital she was put on life support but later pronounced brain dead.  Being brain dead is considered synonymous with no longer being alive.  By all medical and legal standards, Marlise was now dead.  But Marlise was also 14 weeks pregnant.  Her husband and parents both wanted Marlise removed from life-support and said it was also Marlise’s wish should such an event ever occur.  The hospital said no, citing a Texas law that states, “A person may not withdraw or withhold life-sustaining treatment under this subchapter from a pregnant patient.”  There are several links below to articles related to this story.  Read them and then decide for yourself if Marlise should have been removed from life support as the husband and family requested or if the hospital did the right thing in an attempt to save the fetus.  You can feel free to use any other sources for information as well.  The point is that you make an informed decision.  Be sure to write professionally and be respectful in your posts and responses – no matter what you opinion is, we are talking about a tragic situation here.

In the end, you should have one original post with your opinion on what should be done in this case and at least one response to someone else’s post.

Due: Sunday 1/26/14 at 11:59:59 PM

New York Times

National Review

Christian Science Monitor

The American Conservative

Anderson Cooper 360  (a 10 minute video segment debating the issue)




Respiratory and Digestive Readings 2013

In Chapter 23, read and know table 23.1 on page 803.

In Chapter 23, read pages 836-844 including ‘related terms’

  • Answer the Clinical Questions on page 839
  • Answer the Clinical Application questions # 1, 2 on page 847

In Chapter 24, (pg 848-902), read the information associated with each “homeostasis icon.”  This is the pyramid icon with a beam on top.  For example, the first is on page 853 regarding peritonitis.  The second is on page 857 regarding ankyloglossia.  Continue reading all of them in the chapter and take notes on the conditions as they will be on the test.

  • Answer Review Questions on page 906 # 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11
  • Answer the Clinical Application questions on page 907 # 2, 4

Digestive Disorder Presentations 2013

You will research the disorder I gave to you in class and…

1. Give a 5-8 minute presentation – the type of presentation is up to you – it can be a lecture, ppt, video, etc… but should include pictures as appropriate. Make it interesting! Be sure to include information about your condition such as…

  • What is it?
  • What are the signs and symptoms?
  • How do we detect/diagnose it? (genetic, imaging, blood test, visually, etc…)
  • How do we treat it?
  • What is the prognosis if untreated?  treated?

2. Write a 5 question (multiple choice) quiz (per disease). Include the answers and make sure that your classmates will be able to answer those questions after your presentation as they may be on the upcoming test.

3. Hand in a summary (1 page or less) of your disorder and your quiz (with distractors and the correct answers noted!).

Due: Wednesday, 12/4/13

Torso Visceral Practical 2013

Your task: To correctly replace all of the internal organs back into the supplied torso and correctly state the function(s) of each replaced organ and other assigned items. You will have 2 minutes to complete the task.

Your grade: You will start with 100 points. You will lose 1 point per second for each second over 2 minutes. You will lose 5 points for each incorrectly stated function but you may correct yourself prior to finishing and receive full credit. If you get 3 or more functions incorrect, the clock will continue to run until you have corrected yourself to only have 2 or fewer errors. Therefore, the clock will only stop when both of the following conditions are met:

  • you have correctly named and replaced all the organs
  • you have no more than 2 errors in stating the functions of all the organs

If you replace all the organs and state their functions within 2 minutes you will earn a 100%.

Practice:  We will not spend class time practicing. You will need to find your own time to come and practice – e.g. activity period, during your study hall, lunch, before school, after school, etc…. You have two weeks to prepare. Be gentle with the torso, you do not need to force any of the parts. If you are forcing it then you are probably wrong!

You will take the practical during activity period or after school – see me for the sign up sheet.

The practical begins on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 and continues through Friday, October 25, 2013.