Biology Bacteria Homework and Review

Complete the following items for homework:

  1. POGIL Biological Classification handout given in class comparing kingdoms and using a dichotomous key
  2. Watch the following TED video about bacteria on your body
  3. Read the following 2 articles about bacteria.  They are two versions of the same story but each offers its own interesting specifics, so it is worth reading both.
    1. NIH:
    2. Wall Street Journal

Biology Diversity and Classification Test

You will have a test on anything and everything I wish to ask with particular emphasis on the following:

  • Taxonomy and Classification
  • Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes
  • Binomial Nomenclature
  • Major phyla of the 6 kingdom system
  • Life and Geology in the deep ocean, archaea, and hydrothermal vents and associated Voyage to the Deep questions/answers
  • Specifics of Human classification
  • Cladistics
  • Homologies vs. Analogies (with respect to evolution)

The test will be on Tuesday (11/13/12) or Wednesday (11/14/12) according to your section:

  • D = Tuesday
  • E, G, H = Wednesday

Voyage to the Deep

Using the Voyage to the Deep resource guide and the associated online site, answer the questions on the handout given in class.  A pdf copy of the resource guide can be found here:

(if that link does not work, try this link)

A copy of the questions is below…

Reading questions

1.  Describe how Riftia pachyptila get their energy.

2.  Who led the Extreme 2000 mission?

3.  The Earth’s largest mountain range is where?  How long is it in Km?

4.  The ____________ is the most heat tolerant animal on Earth.  It can survive in an environment as hot as ______C (_____F)

5.  What is the term for one tectonic plate being forced under another? What is the result?

6.  Who is credited with building the first submarine?

7.  What do “black smokers” spew?

8.  How do hydrothermal vents form?

9.  Where did the “Extreme 2000” dive take place?

10.  At what depth was the deepest recorded fish found?

11.  What makes Archaea so unique?

12.  Why are scientists excited about the possibility that there are hydrothermal vents on Europa?

13.  How many hours of life support are there on Alvin for its crew?

14.  Who made the deepest dive in history?  How deep was it?

15.  Convert the British units of measure in the “How Deep is the Ocean?” article in the Geology section to metric units.

16.  Compare and contrast photosynthesis and chemosynthesis.

17.  Define the following words: bioluminescence, hydrostatic, microbe, symbiosis


Internet search (

1.  Why can the water around a hydrothermal vent reach temperatures of 300-400 C and still not be boiling?

2.  What is the scientific name for the Vent Crab?  What must scientists do in order to keep the adult crabs safe in the lab at the University?

3.  Describe the plume and tube of a Tubeworm.  (hint – resources –


Due: Wednesday, 10/31/12

Taxonomy Homework

Write down in your notebook the kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species for humans and make sure you understand and can define each item.  For example, one of them will be ‘mammalia’ – therefore, make sure you also know what it means to be a mammal.

Read the 6 Kingdoms of Life PDF found on my taxonomy wiki page and be sure to…

  • Know the differences between kingdoms – if I were to give you a list of characteristics, you should be able to tell me the kingdom it is in.
  • Know multiple examples of creatures in each kingdom – if I ask for examples you should be able to tell me several.
  • Understand the types of things we look at to differentiate the phyla within a kingdom – for example, with bacteria we first look at shapes – you do not need to know how to differentiate below the phylum level.