Anatomy Infomercial 2014

Your group will design its own infomercial for a product of your choice. The product may already exist or you may invent your own. The infomercial and product must be rated for television, so keep it clean! This assignment is an opportunity for you to practice your terminology so you will remember it better. Therefore the infomercial must contain

at least 35 terminology words.

These words may already exist or you may combine your own prefixes, word roots and suffixes to make up your own words. You can also use body regions, body planes, body structures etc…  These words should flow throughout the presentation, not be clumped into one part. Additionally, you should follow these rules:

  • Presentation is 8-12 minutes. You will be penalized if you go under 8 minutes or over 12 minutes (even by 1 second!) – television time is precious and adhered to strictly – the tv station would cut you off.
  • Your group must type the final script and hand it in before your presentation. Each terminology term should be in bold and underlined.
  • You must memorize your parts – you may not have your script in front of you.
  • A group member may hold up cue cards ‘off camera’ but they must also participate on camera>
  • Everyone must participate!
  • You should accentuate each term when you use it in your skit.
  • Optional – you may videotape it ahead of time **
  • You should be excited about your product – I should wonder how I ever lived without it!

** = I have higher expectations for pre-taped versions!

Due:  Monday, 9/22/14

Morbidity and Mortality 2014

From a life and health science viewpoint, obtaining accurate information on the top causes of death is very important. The news all too often takes on a ‘pet disease of the month’ and may distort people’s views on how common that condition truly is versus others that are not reported. This lesson is designed to give you an opportunity to use more reliable data to see what diseases and conditions are the most cause for alarm here in the United States and throughout the world. This will allow you to make more informed choices and make recommendations regarding how resources (time, money, etc…) should be distributed in disease research.

Go to my wiki page on Morbidity and Mortality and follow the instructions there to create a report using data from the CDC and WHO.  The report should contain graphs and statistical analysis to support your claims.  Your paper should be in typical APA format and should have a title page, an abstract, a brief introduction, a brief materials and methods section (in paragraph format), results, and an extensive discussion.  The discussion should contain conclusions and insights and not just restatement of the facts I could simply see myself by looking at the data.

Due: Thursday, 9/18/14 at the beginning of class

Supercomputers Make Discoveries That Scientists Can’t

In light of our discussion about the pace of new data and knowledge, read the New Scientist article below and then comment (in the ‘Leave a Reply’ section below) on whether you think having computers search through data like this is a good thing or a bad thing and why.  In your post, you should also write one thing you think the idea behind this technology could be used for beyond the medical/health field.  What else could someone do with this type of analysis of data sets for good or evil?

You must also reply to at least one other post with a thoughtful comment on that person’s post.  For your posts, just put your first name, the first initial of your last name, and your email so I know you did it.

Supercomputers make discoveries that scientists can’t – tech – 27 August 2014 – New Scientist.

Due: 9/3/14 by 11:59:59 pm

ISR Homework #1

You should complete the following items for homework:

  1. Read the course syllabus located on my ISR website page.
  2. Save paper by electronically signing the syllabus by completing the Google Form located here (you must be logged into your Charter Google account to access the form).  The form requires both a student and parent signature.
  3. Read “The World Needs Thinkers” on the main page of my website (be sure to click the ‘read more’ link to get the whole article).  Write down 3-5 interesting facts you learn in the article and be prepared to discuss this information at our next class meeting.
  4. Obtain a check for $24 for your STEM Research book.  The check should be payable to The Charter School of Wilmington. (you can also bring cash)

Due: Tuesday, 9/2/14