
Find the link to the syllabus on your main class page (ie. anatomy, biology, etc…) Open the syllabus PDF file and read it. You may choose to print it at home and put it in your notebook. You must print out the last page (contract) and fill in the appropriate information and signatures and return it to me no later than Wednesday, September 10.

Crime Scene Binder

You crime scene binder is due on Tuesday, 5/27/08. It should include the following:

As a group, create one typed narrative report explaining what
happened to these poor people. Be sure to include a timeline of
events. You will state who killed them and explain any evidence you
have to prove it. The evidence reports should be in an appendix and
include a description of how that test, if applicable, is performed
and analyzed. You should reference each “exhibit” within your
narrative report. Include a printed computer version of your crime
scene diagram. Don’t forget to include any necessary witness
statements. Combine all of this in a 3-ring binder. You will get a
group grade for the completeness, accuracy, and organization of this
binder. Completeness will include how much of the case you have

Finally, each individual will type a one page reflection of what
you have learned beyond specific content. What have you learned
about forensics, or group work, or completing a long term project, or
an open-ended project with little direction, or work ethic, etc…
The report should include what you will do differently on such
projects in the future (ie. in college) You will hand this in
separately from the report.

Hair Analysis

Forensic hair analysis involves using a light microscope to analyze the hair for various factors to determine the origin of that hair.  Is it a human hair or animal?  Is it a male or female hair?  Can we determine the individual race?  What about the age?  To get an answer to these questions and to learn what to look for in a hair sample, visit this site.  Because examining a hair requires a microscope, be sure you understand how to use a microscope and that you can name all its parts.  For practice using a virtual microscope, go to this University of Delaware site and click on “The Virtual Scope”.

Blood Typing

To better understand how to determine a person’s blood type and how you could use that information, complete the following:

  1. Go to this site to see how to test someone’s blood.  Be certain you understand the difference between antigens and antibodies!
  2. Then go to this site to practice reading a blood test and see if you’ve got skills!
  3. Then go to this site and read through the tutorials.  Then complete the Blood Types Problem Set.