Heart, Pregnancy and Embryology Test

You will have a test on the heart, pregnancy and embryology case study and notes on Wednesday, 5/13/15 (Tuesday 5/12/15 for D-period).  You were given a list of goals and objectives in class.

A practice test has been put online and can be accessed at

The test is only for practice, although you must put in your name. Please use your real name when you take it so I can see how you are doing. You may take it multiple times.

As a practice test, it does not include all information that may be asked on the actual test. It should, however, be a good indicator the types of questions you will see and the bulk of the content.

You should also read the following pages in the textbook: pages 671(start with sequence of excitation)-675 (up to mechanical events)

In the end, you should know the pathway of the electrical signal through the heart and how to read an ECG/EKG. You should be able to explain what is occurring in the heart during the PQRST waves on the ECG/EKG.

Then read the section on page 677-678 “heart sounds”.

Answer the clinical application questions # 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 on page 689.

You should also know all of the information from the handouts given in class (heart conduction system, blood flow, blood vessels etc…)  You should be able to label the blood vessels (arteries) on the diagram. You should know all the pictured arteries for the test.

Have fun and study, study, study


Friday 4/24/15 Student Work

I will not be in school today.  I have listed below what each class should accomplish.  If you do not finish this material in class, you should complete it for homework.

  1. Anatomy
    1. Take quiz on organ functions.
    2. CompletetheHHMICariology Virtual Lab
      1. This can be found on the laptop under the Anatomy & Neuroscience folder on the ‘desktop’ – it works best in Internet Explorer
      2. This can also be found online here..
        1. http://www.hhmi.org/biointeractive/cardiology-virtual-lab
        2. You should try the laptop version first
      3. You will need sound for this so make sure your laptop has the sound working
      4. You can work in groups on one laptop
  2. ISR
    1. Complete the ‘Searching for Scientific Studies’ Google Doc
      1. For step 4 remember to input the question I assigned you in class
    2. Finish for homework if you do not complete it in class
  3. Genetics & Epidemiology
    1. Learn about DNA Fingerprinting and Gel Electrophoresis by going to my wiki page and completing the activities listed on that page
      1. http://docfleetwood.net/wiki/tiki-index.php?page=DNA+Fingerprinting
    2. You already did the karyotype activity listed in number 5, so you don’t have to repeat that
    3. Finish for homework if you don’t finish during class

Embryology 2015

Define the following: fertilization, gestation time, implantation, zygote, embryo, fetus, polar body, oocyte

Briefly describe the function of the following: acrosome, ovary, uterine tube, uterus, cervix, vagina, placenta, amniotic fluid

Read ‘A Closer Look’ on page 1068 and know the flowchart on page 1069. (contraception)

What are ‘Hox’ genes? Why are they important to study? What evolutionary significance do they have?

Read and outline pages 1096-1104.

Look at table 29.2 in your book (pg. 1097). Know the weeks associated with each of the items I pointed out in class.

Answer the Clinical Application questions #1-4 on page 1107.

Remind Signup

To sign up for Remind via text or email you should follow these directions…

  1. You can go to www.remind.com/join and enter the class code (given in class), press enter, and then select text or email. -or-
  2. You can send a text message of your class code to 81010. -or-
  3. You can send an email to “classcode”@mail.remind.com – (no quotation marks and do not include the @ symbol that is part of the class code).  You do not need anything else in the email (subject or message).
  4. They also have apps for your phone if you would prefer the app.

You do not have to create any accounts or logins/passwords.  I will use this to send out quick reminders, quick updates, and quick links to cool stuff.  You will not see my phone number and I will not see yours.  You can not reply back to me from that text – it is outgoing from me to you only.  If you need to contact me, send me an email.  You can unsubscribe anytime by texting STOP.

**VERY IMPORTANT** – me not sending a reminder does not ever excuse you from remembering what and when things are due!!!  I am just doing this to try to help.

An Ode to Rick

Your task is to write a poem or song in honor of Rick (from our ice hockey case study).  The poem/song must include information from all parts of the case study: initial injury, other history, emergency room, lab results, CT scan, X-ray, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis.  Basically, it should retell the story in a cute and clever way.  If you choose to do a song, it can be in any style (e.g. rap, pop, opera, etc…)  You should record the song with music and give me an audio file.  Every member of the group must sing at some point.


G & H – Wednesday, 12/17/14

D – Thursday, 12/18/14

Respiratory and Digestive Readings 2014

In Chapter 23, read and know table 23.1 on page 803.

In Chapter 23, read pages 836-844 including ‘related terms’

Answer the Clinical Questions on page 839
Answer the Clinical Application questions # 1, 2 on page 847

In Chapter 24, (pg 848-902), read the information associated with each “homeostasis icon.”  This is the pyramid icon with a beam on top.  For example, the first is on page 853 regarding peritonitis.  The second is on page 857 regarding ankyloglossia.  Continue reading all of them in the chapter and take notes on the conditions as they will be on the test.

Answer Review Questions on page 906 # 1, 3, 4, 6, 9, 10, 11
Answer the Clinical Application questions on page 907 # 2, 4

Digestive Disorder Presentations 2014

You will research the disorder I gave to you in class and…

1. Give a 5-8 minute presentation – the type of presentation is up to you – it can be a lecture, ppt, video, etc… but should include pictures as appropriate. Make it interesting! Be sure to include information about your condition such as…

What is it?
What are the signs and symptoms?
How do we detect/diagnose it? (genetic, imaging, blood test, visually, etc…)
How do we treat it?
What is the prognosis if untreated?  treated?

2. Write a 5 question (multiple choice) quiz (per disease). Include the answers and make sure that your classmates will be able to answer those questions after your presentation as they may be on the upcoming test.

3. Hand in a summary (1 page or less) of your disorder and your quiz (with distractors and the correct answers noted!).

Due: Wednesday/Thursday, 12/3/14 or 12/4/14

Nutrition and Why We Need to Eat 2014

Complete the spreadsheet that was shared with you in your Google Drive titled, “Why Do We Need To Eat”.  The document is shared with each member of your table group so you will complete it together.

  • For the ‘Good Sources’ column name 3 good food sources for that item
  • For the ‘Named Examples’ column
    • Give 3 examples each of named carbohydrates, proteins and lipids found in the body.
    • For the vitamins, give the name of the vitamin if it has one.  If it does not have one then just leave it blank.  For example, Vitamin B1 is also called thiamine.
  • For the ‘Disorders’ columns – name the disorder and give a few symptoms/problems the person will have as a result.  Some items will not have an associated problem if you take too much – if that is the case then type ‘none’ in that box.
  • Nothing will go in the two rows that are labeled ‘Vitamins’ or ‘Minerals’ – they are just header rows for the items beneath them.

Due: G & H period: Tuesday, 11/18/14; D period: Wednesday, 11/19/14

Torso Practical Retake 2014

The retakes for the torso practical will be on Thursday, 10/30/14 after school.  The rules will be as follows:

  • Anyone can choose to retake the practical.
  • You can earn a full 100%.
  • Your second grade will replace your first grade.
  • You can do WORSE.
  • Let me repeat – your grade can go DOWN if you choose to retake the practical – your new grade will replace your first grade whether it is better or worse!  So choose wisely.
  • You will lay out the pieces on the table in the order you wish.
  • You may hold one piece in one hand and touch some part of the model with your other hand to orient yourself.
  • You will close your eyes and complete the practical with your eyes closed.
  • If you open your eyes, you get a zero.
  • If you knock pieces on the floor, that will be a significant problem for you, so don’t do that.
  • You will have 2 minutes and 15 seconds to complete the practical.